Bringing Baby Home
The transition to parenthood is a huge milestone in any relationship.
Although this transition is filled with excitement, approximately two-thirds of parents will experience a significant drop in their relationship quality and will have a dramatic increase in conflict and hostility within three years after the birth of a child.
Conflict and hostility within the parents’ relationship can have lasting negative effects on a child’s emotional, social, and cognitive development.
The Bringing Baby Home program can help prevent that! This educational workshop is a research-backed program that helps parents understand:
What to expect during the transition to parenthood
Child development in the first year
Strategies to coordinate with family / caretaking members
Ways to improve communication
How to strengthen friendship, intimacy, and conflict regulation skills
Signs of perinatal mood, anxiety, and adjustment disorders and support/treatment options.
In a random clinical trial, the data showed that parents who participated in the Bringing Baby Home workshop had:
Less “relationship meltdown”
Higher relationship quality
Less interpersonal hostility
Markedly less incidence of progressive symptoms of postpartum depression (22.5% compared to 66.5% in the control group)
and their babies:
Had fewer language delays at one year old
Responded more positively to their fathers’ soothing
Expressed more smiling and laughter during family play
Showed less distress in response to limitations (such as having a toy out of reach)
If you are planning on having a child, currently expecting, or have had a child within the past 3 years, this workshop is for you!
This 6-week program will be held over Zoom on Sundays from 9:00 am - 11:00 am.
The cost of the program is $250/couple.
The next session begins on Sunday, May 7, 2023.
Registration closes April 23rd!